Rheine. The European elections on 9 June are about more than the much-criticized and now repealed EU decision on the curvature of the cucumber. The participants at the Verdi Seniors’ Meeting today at the Workers’ Welfare House took this insight with them. Bernd Weber, Deputy Chairman of the Europa-Union Steinfurt, gave a one-hour presentation on the current situation of the European Union, its necessary reforms and major challenges in the face of a reorganizing world. With this lecture, the organizer community consisting of the Europa-Union, city partners and the Gesellschaft für Sicherheit (Society for Security) set an initial signal. Under the slogan “Eur(h)ope – We in Rheine – we choose Europe!”, the group, supported by the NRW Minister for Europe, is inviting people to lectures, concerts and information events over the coming weeks, as well as to the “Long Europe Night” and the “Europe Meadow” in May.
The EU is now an association of 27 member states that pursues common political, economic and social goals and respects human rights as a community of values. According to Weber, “normal Europeans” have the right to live, work, travel and shop in all EU countries without borders. And they could rely on democratic structures and the rule of law. What is already part of everyday life for most people is still being aspired to by a number of foreign states. In particular, the Balkan states, Ukraine, which was shaken by the Russian war of aggression, Moldova and Georgia are “on the doorstep” of the EU. They know that anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of the EU must respect human rights, have stable state institutions based on democracy and the rule of law and respect minorities. The free movement of people, goods, capital and services within the EU does not come for free.
The Verdi seniors agreed in the discussion that the decision-making structure of the EU must be reformed in view of the Russian war of aggression, the unresolved consequences of migration, the problems of environmental and climate protection, digitization and the transformation of the economy in order to be able to act faster and thus more effectively. They were particularly keen to strengthen the EU Parliament as the only EU body democratically legitimized by citizens. Every vote “for Europe” strengthens the Parliament to tackle necessary reforms.
A strong Europe is needed right now, when the multipolar world is reorganizing itself, Weber said. The “global South” has now organized itself as the BRICS group and represents an antithesis to the “Western world”. Their economic area comprises 3.6 billion people compared to just under 500 million in the EU. The strength of the EU today still lies in its economic power and its unity. Those who reject “this EU” today and demand the return of alleged losses of sovereignty have not understood the signs of the times and are thus undermining the goal of a united Europe with common values, which is still aspired to by many people, especially those still on the outside. In the concluding discussion with the Verdi seniors, it became clear: “If you don’t vote, you let others decide and strengthen the right-wing extremists who want a different EU!”