
Children from war zones arrived in Rheine

13 boys from Ukraine arrived today at Caritas Children and Youth Home. Caritas writes about this_

“we have moved a little closer together to make room for the school class of a soccer boarding school from the embattled east of Ukraine.

After a long odyssey, the class (13 year old boys) with some adults arrived tired but safe in Rheine early this morning. Coaches and supervisors of the 1st FCE Rheine had picked up the refugees with our Caritas Bullies from the Ukrainian border.

The school class will certainly stay for some weeks, maybe even months, because it is not yet foreseeable how the war in Ukraine will develop and how big the destruction will be. However, a return is planned in any case.

The boys/caregivers have been divided as “house communities” between Brockhausenweg, the janitor’s apartment, apartment at the bell tower and a semi-detached house in the Schotthock.

Now everything has to find its way a little bit and also the care still has to be organized a little bit, but that is not unusual for us.

It’s nice that we can help people from the war zones.”