
Caritas honors jubilarians

Für ihr langjähriges Engagement in der Kirche und Caritas wurden acht Mitarbeitende der Abteilung Arbeit, Wohnen und Teilhabe der Caritas Rheine vom Vorstand, der Mitarbeitervertretung und ihren Leitungen mit Caritas-Ehrenzeichen ausgezeichnet.

Many years of cooperation in the department of work, housing and participation

Rheine.cpr. A total of eight employees from the department of work, housing and participation have been working for the Caritas Association Rheine or a church association for 25 years. In their honor there was now a small celebration hour. The Caritas board members Dieter Fühner and Ludger Schröer, department head Sebastian Vossel and the employee representation with its chairman Thomas Brockhaus thanked the jubilarians for their many years of commitment and presented each of them with the Caritas badge of honor in silver.

“You have performed your duties in a wide variety of areas with great dedication and have always shown a high sense of responsibility for our community,” Dieter Fühner thanked them in his welcoming speech.

The following employees were honored for their 25 years of church-caritable service:

Reinhild Wedig, Claudia Klüssendorff, Karsten Dahlke and Ralf Miethe (all Caritas-Emstor workshops), Gabi Elsenheimer and Alexander Becker (both Jacob-Meyersohn-Wohnverbund), Dorothee Stamer and Franz-Josef Löhning (both Haus Forckenbeck).