
Air, noise and traffic (in real time)

In the city of Leiria, it is possible to have permanent information on the quality of the air you breathe through lamps with sensors installed in the urban islands, a system that provides data on temperature, humidity, noise and traffic.

How does it work?

This equipment transmits the information in real time to software, which can be consulted on dedicated web pages (see below) and where it is presented in a 5-color model, corresponding to 5 quality levels.

Technologically, the concentration of atmospheric pollutants (CO, N02, O3, SO2, VOC, PM1, PM10 and PM2.5) is assessed, temperature and humidity are measured, as well as wind direction and speed, ambient noise and an analysis is made of urban traffic, data considered to be of enormous importance for the development of strategies to build a more sustainable territory with a better quality of life for the population.

The self-sustaining lighting system (chandelier) produces energy from the wind and the sun and it is its built-in battery that allows for an energy reduction of around 84% compared to existing luminaires, with a capacity to generate 2.14 MWh/year and a reduction in CO2 emissions of 0.39 tons/year.

The brightness regulation is adjusted to increase road safety for drivers and pedestrians, as the sensors detect movement in their surroundings and allow the brightness to be adjusted according to the time of day and weather conditions.

Where are they?

In addition to this technological dimension, the lamps are integrated into urban islands, equipped with street furniture, benches and flower boxes, constituting a kind of archipelago/pathway of urban comfort.

With the River Lis as a reference, these spaces, which also provide a QR Code linking to cultural information about the municipality, were created at the following points: Rotunda do Estádio, Arrabalde, Largo da Sé, Largo Cónego Maia, Largo Papa Paulo VI, Largo 5 de Outubro, Ponte Hintze Ribeiro, Rua Tenente Valadim and Rua Roberto Ivens.