
“Holiday pass for all” free of charge again this year

Foto (Stadt Rheine): v.l. Wiebke Helling (Jugendamt), Karen Maria Mönstermann (Stadtwerke Rheine), Beigeordneter Raimund Gausmann, Annette Wiggers (Jugendamtsleitung), Mike Laukötter (Lions Club Rheine), Bürgermeister Peter Lüttmann, Klaus Müller (Lions Club Steinfurt), Alexander Schwerdt (Lions Club Rheine), Thomas Schettler (Lions Club Steinfurt), Holger Kern (Lions Club Steinfurt)

RheineOnce again this year, the city of Rheine has succeeded in offering the vacation pass for children and young people free of charge. Following the positive feedback from last year’s “Holiday Pass for All”, the aim is to provide free access to the NaturZoo, Aqua Reni and the mini golf course in the city park during the vacations. This is made possible by a donation of 10,000 euros from Stadtwerke Rheine and a donation of 6,000 euros from the Lions Clubs Rheine and Steinfurt. This year, school pupils over 18 as well as trainees and students can also take advantage of the “Holiday Pass for All”.

The vacation pass consists of four different vouchers. One voucher is valid for the NaturZoo. The other three vouchers are variable and can be used either for the Aqua Reni or the mini golf course in the city park.

The vacation pass is issued in the form of a voucher booklet. As usual, it will be available at the Youth Welfare Office (Cityhaus, Bahnhofstr. 1, 48431 Rheine) and the Town Hall Information Office (Klosterstr. 14, 48431 Rheine) as well as at the Mesum branch office (Nielandstraße 7, 48432 Rheine) of the town of Rheine. As last year, other drop-off points are district offices, youth centers and youth work organizations. A detailed list of the collection points and the opening hours can be found at

Traditionally, the Holiday Pass will be available to children and young people, trainees and students on the last day of school, i.e. July 5, 2024, during the published opening hours. Reservations are not possible.

If you have any questions, please contact the Youth Welfare Office on 05971/939-668 or by email at: .