
Volunteer readers wanted at city library

Rheine. The volunteer reading aloud project at the municipal library Rheine has already been running since June 2008 – now new volunteers are being sought again who would like to read aloud to children aged 4 and up. The library’s reading aloud volunteers are a dedicated and friendly team and are looking for support in promoting reading to children as part of the “Sternstündchen” program.

The team currently consists of 20 readers, who not only organize the “Sternstündchen” (every Wednesday, 15:20 to approx. 15:45), but also the special “Adventsternstündchen” (every Advent Saturday at 11:00) and “surprise readings” during library tours for children. All readers choose the appropriate picture books and stories themselves – the library team will be happy to make recommendations.

There are no limits to the creative design of the reading session!

All readers in the public library benefit from an annual training session on a previously agreed topic and meet twice a year with the group of all readers in the library. At these meetings, current topics and questions are discussed and the reading dates are coordinated. Of course, the meetings also always offer the opportunity for personal exchange with all participants.

Who has interest in an activity as Vorleserin or Vorleser in the public library Rheine, can announce itself gladly there. Under the telephone number 05971/939-151 Luisa Grotemeier, the partner for the Vorleserinnen and Vorleser of the public library Rheine, is available for questions. In addition, an appointment can be made to get to know each other personally.