
Thermal underwear and walking aids for frontline soldiers

Die Soldaten an der Front bedanken sich für die Unterstützung aus Rheine.

Town twinning association supports defenders in Zaporizhzhya and Bachmut

Rheine. It was and still is cold in Zaporizhia, the city in eastern Ukraine. The city where Europe’s largest nuclear power plant is located. It’s hard to imagine what the consequences of an accident or an attack on this nuclear power plant would be for us in Germany.

For months, the soldiers defending this nuclear power plant have been supported by the town twinning association Rheine. Not with weapons or ammunition, but much more mundane: with thermal underwear, socks and towels as well as walking aids for injured soldiers.

The last transport of relief supplies went to Zaporizhzhya and the 92nd Air Defense Brigade on the border of Bachmut at the end of last year. Donations were used to deliver 100 sets of thermal underwear. Temperatures here range from minus 10 to minus 18 degrees. 250 towels were also sent on the journey. Towels are put under a lot of strain at the front and cannot be cleaned on site. Private donations were also used to send winter clothing and walking aids.

The soldiers on the ground were also very grateful for this support from Rheine, as can be seen from a letter of thanks that has now arrived at the association together with impressive photos.

The association was able to buy more thermal underwear, stockings and towels from further donations, which were collected on Monday by other aid organizations.

Donations are requested to be made to the account of the town twinning association no. IBAN DE 65 4035 0005 0000 0642 53 at Stadtsparkasse Rheine, keyword: “Spendenaktion Ukraine”. Donation receipts can be issued on request. Please state your address.
