
Get to know the honorary office

Ehrenamtliche bei der Vorsortierung von Lebensmitteln in der Rheiner Tafel.

Open day at the Caritas social department store Brauchbar & Co.

Rheine.cpr. On September 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the social department store Brauchbar & Co. at Overbergstraße 8-10 in Rheine will open its doors to anyone interested in volunteering. This day is also at the same time the Germany-wide celebrated “Day of the Tafel”, which takes place this year for the thirtieth time. The Rheiner Tafel is also located in the premises of the Sozialkaufhaus. On this day, the employees and dedicated volunteers present the many opportunities for volunteering at the Caritas Sozialkaufhaus. The Sozialkaufhaus offers a variety of activities that can be tailored to different interests and abilities. For example, interested individuals can volunteer as a driver, in pre-sorting groceries, in the clothing store, or at the cash register in the Social Buying Center. The volunteers on site are available to answer questions about the facility and describe their areas of responsibility. Over grilled sausages and drinks, discussions can be held on these topics in a relaxed atmosphere. The day serves for exchange and information, so that no sale and no food distribution take place.