
Alliance “Rheine remains colorful”

Fourth Sunday walk under the motto “… because minorities need protection!”

Rheine. cpr. The fourth Sunday walk organized by the alliance “Rheine bleibt bunt” will start on 26 May at 4 pm on Bornesquare in front of the town hall. Under the motto “… because minorities need protection!”, Caritas Rheine will draw attention to the increasing threat to minorities from right-wing extremist ideologies and right-wing populist policies. “The protection and support of disadvantaged population groups is part of the essence of the welfare state,” says Klaus Jäger, spokesperson for the Caritas working group Rheine, underlining the background to the event. “Together with the “Rheine bleibt bunt” alliance, we believe that the social consensus that guarantees minorities security and participation is being jeopardized by right-wing extremism and populism,” continued Jäger. “As a welfare organization, we are committed to those who are particularly dependent on broad social solidarity,” says Caritas board member Dieter Fühner. “We do not want to and must not allow groups such as people with disabilities, people with a history of migration or people on the margins of society to be threatened with devaluation and segregation again. Nationalist and ethnic ideologies must never be allowed to poison our social climate again,” continues Fühner. The “Rheine bleibt bunt” alliance is calling on the citizens of the city of Rheine to send a clear signal against intolerance, segregation and contempt for humanity. With the fourth Sunday walk, Rheine can once again show that the people of this city stand for a diverse and colorful coexistence, respect the dignity of all people and protect democracy.