
Setting the pace for inclusion – barrier-free to the goal

„Tempo machen für Inklusion – barrierefrei zum Ziel!“ Unter diesem Motto findet am 5. Mai auf dem Marktplatz in Rheine ein Aktionstag zur Gleichstellung von Menschen mit Behinderungen statt.

Action day for the equality of people with disabilities on Thursday, May 5, 2022 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the marketplace Rheine

Rheine. cpr. “Make speed for inclusion – barrier-free to the goal!” Under this motto, actions for the European Day of Protest for the Equality of People with Disabilities will take place around May 5 also this year and for the now 31st time nationwide. In Rheine the Caritas together with the adviser for humans with handicap of the city Rheine invites to this action day. It will take place on Thursday, May 5, 2022 from 10:30 to 14:00 on the market square Rheine.

This year, a special focus is on the state elections in NRW on May 22. “The campaign wants to draw attention to the fact that people with disabilities also have a voice as a matter of course, with which they will go to the polls in the election,” explains Caritas board member Dieter Fühner. But despite all the progress made on the subject of inclusion, we as a society have by no means removed all the barriers.

“Because where polling stations, election documents and written party programs are not barrier-free for all eligible voters, participation in political life and the opportunity to form a political will according to the standards of inclusion remains a task for all involved,” adds Willi Rieps of the Caritas counseling center for people with disabilities.

The employees of the counseling center for people with disabilities and their relatives will prepare a chalk picture. There, interested people can leave a message about what is important to them on the subject of inclusion, what goals they want to achieve together or what wishes they have for the future.

With this day of action, Caritas Rheine, the city of Rheine and the Advisory Council for People with Disabilities want to call for the removal of barriers. Every barrier prevents the social participation and individual mobility of people with disabilities.