
Star hour outside: Fips fire department

Foto: ©annette betz

Rheine. A very special starry hour awaits the guests exceptionally on a Friday. In cooperation with the fire department Rheine, the thematically appropriate picture book “Fips Feuerwehr” will be read aloud on July 14. Fips is a fire truck that is too small and is pitied by the big vehicles. Fortunately, the cheerful Fips doesn’t mind at all – she just does her job and helps out where she can. When the other vehicles can’t make it to a big fire, Fips gets to prove her mettle. How the mission ends and what all you have to do in the fire department is revealed by Margarete Gude to all listeners young and old in Sternstündchen for children over 4 – a few surprises are guaranteed. After the reading aloud, the children will learn something about the fire department and its work, and they can have a close-up look at a fire truck.

The event will be held outside, so we ask that all participants bring a picnic blanket. Stargazing will take place as usual at 3:20 p.m. on Friday, July 14, 2023, at the City Library, 84 Osnabrück Street.

Admission is free, groups are asked to register at 05971/939 160.