
Salty works of art

Paste Up History! Castles and palaces tour

Anyone who looks at the elevator of the Falkenhof or the facade of the Salzsiedehaus these days is initially amazed. But these are true works of art that have been created here.

The artist duo David Mannstein and Maria Vill attach house-high photo collages to castles and palaces in our region. The motifs artistically visualize a history of the respective place. The development takes place in cooperation with the owner:inside or residents. The project will be implemented in the Münsterland region in the summer of 2023 with funding from the Regional Cultural Policy of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Salty clouds – the artists’ idea:

What looks like a cloud at first glance turns out to be a structure made of salt crystals upon closer inspection. Alluding to the divine gift, it becomes here an object between heaven and earth. The picture plays with the lightness of the clouds, which, more sphere than object, seem to be suspended from gravity – and the heaviness of the salt, which has to be brought out of the depths of the earth with a lot of force and effort.

Despite their opposites, they are nevertheless closely connected: the water content of the brine evaporates, turns into clouds, and leaves us with the salt. Last but not least, the colorfulness of salt and clouds is based on the same effect: light refracts off the actually colorless, transparent molecules, and in the superimposition of all colors, both appear white to us.

At the Salt Boiling House, a work by David Mannstein was created that bears witness to the hardships of salt extraction.

The works of art, which were created on a kind of photographic paper and pasted on, can be seen until the fall. Then they will be removed again with a high-pressure cleaner.

100(0) years of salt from Rheine -The anniversary

The town of Rheine is celebrating a special anniversary this summer, commemorating the important tradition of salt production in the Ems town. For centuries, the salt works in Rheine-Bentlage supplied the people of Münsterland with the vital and tasty “white gold”.

The exact beginnings of salt production lie in the dark. Originally, a thousand-year anniversary was to be celebrated in Rheine, but during the preparations a historian discovered that the date 1022/1023, which has been handed down so far, does not stand up to current scrutiny. What is certain, however, is that the salt works site and buildings came into the possession of the town of Rheine exactly one hundred years ago. In the anniversary year, these and other exciting topics related to the history of the saltworks will therefore be further researched.

From June 18 to August 20, the technical monument in the salt boiling house, the show boiling pan and the salt workshop will be open every Sunday afternoon from 14:30 – 17:30: Hands-on programs, tours, guided tours and lectures await visitors. From September 10, a cultural-historical exhibition in the Falkenhof Museum will be devoted to the history of the salt works. Also in the fall, on the initiative of the Friends, a new book publication with current research results will be published.