
Refugee aid: Exchange offers in Centro S. Antonio

Rheine. cpr. In recent years, many people have become involved with refugees from various parts of the world. Often many questions came and come up to them, which revolve around the process of integration. Caritas Rheine would now like to give these volunteers and committed people the opportunity to exchange their thoughts.

On two dates, employees of Caritas Rheine offer an exchange for all interested parties. In the second event, the thematic block “War – Flight – Expulsion” will also be offered for discussion.

The first event with Jutta Kleinschnitker-Dammann will take place on Thursday April 28 from 10 am to 12 pm. “The following topics will be covered, among others: Growing from challenges in the accompaniment of people with refugee experience and getting to know even more perspectives; Strengthening each other to continue volunteering with a lot of vigor or it is simply told about the experiences. Interested and affected people are cordially invited”, Kleinschnitker-Dammann summarizes the planned content in her invitation.

The event on the topic of “War – Flight – Expulsion” with Andreas Tinz will take place on Tuesday May 3 from 4:30 pm to 6 pm. Here, information on dealing with possible psychological consequences of traumatic experiences will be provided to support volunteers in their actions. It will also provide an opportunity for volunteers to describe and reflect on their experiences and concerns as volunteers.

Both events will take place at the Centro S. Antonio, the Intercultural Meeting Center of Caritas Rheine, Ludwigstraße 9, 48429 Rheine.

Registration is requested by phone at 05971-809018 or by e-mail at .