
“Funding must take current developments into account”

Zu einem Austausch zum Thema „Wohnen“ trafen sich NRW-Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (Mitte), die Landtagsabgeordnete Andrea Stullich, Dr. Christoph Stamm (Ministerium) und die Caritas-Vorstände Dieter Fühner (r.) und Ludger Schröer.

Minister Laumann to the exchange to the topic living with the Caritas Rheine

Rheine. cpr. To a working discussion with the emphasis housing for humans with handicap and humans with small income met the executive committees of the Caritasverband Rheine, Dieter Fühner and Ludger Schröer with North-Rhine/Westphalia Minister Karl Josef Laumann, the CDU Landtagsabgeordneter Andrea Stullich and Dr. Christof trunk of the Ministry work, health and social welfare. The occasion was the development and creation of living space for older people, people with disabilities and people with mental illnesses.

Due to considerable increases in construction costs, restrictions on new KFW subsidies and declining subsidies from Aktion Mensch and Stiftung Wohlfahrtspflege, Caritas Rheine was no longer able to carry out the Antoniusquartier project, among others. Thus the Caritas executive committee took this among other things to the cause, in order to speak with the Minister for work, health and social welfare about alternative possibilities for the creation of dwelling. “We still see the task for us to develop appropriate refinanceable housing for people with disabilities and people with low incomes,” Fühner emphasized. “However, taking into account current financial and economic developments, this is only possible if the funding modalities take these developments into account,” added Schröer. For carriers, like Caritas Rheine, this means a high risk. On the one hand, because further building cost and interest increases cannot be excluded and promotion promises are often attached to free budget funds as well as linked with long and intensive processing. Before this background Caritas Rheine asked Minister Laumann for support in this matter. Up-to-date Caritas Rheine is in discussions with the city Rheine and the catholic parishes in the Dekanat Rheine, in order to find a possible suitable property. In addition, funding requirements and conceptual framework conditions are being examined. Another topic during the discussion with the minister was the counseling of people who are threatened by homelessness. Here the state of North Rhine-Westphalia supports with the state initiative against Published by Caritasverband Rheine e. V. Association policy and communication Editorial office: Stefan Gude (responsible) Telephone extension 05971/862-404 Caritas-Haus, Lingener Straße 11, 48429 Rheine Telephone switchboard 05971/862-0, fax 05971/862-1404 , October 21, 2022 Caritasverband Rheine e. V. Press release – Page 2 homelessness “Finally a home”. Here, Caritas Rheine also offers free, competent and confidential help to people in acute problem situations with its emergency housing assistance. “The response continues to be very high. Above all, it becomes clear again and again that there is a lack of affordable housing. This creates a dissatisfied and worrying situation for many people seeking advice,” describes Dieter Fühner. In the day-to-day work, he says, securing housing continues to be the first task.