
Advance booking for the duck race started

Foto (Stadt Rheine): v.r.: Niklas Schauerte, Bürgermeister Dr. Peter Lüttmann, Johanna Eilting und Andreas Wewel

Rheine. For the duck race on the Ems on Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 15:45 can now be purchased or better formulated adopted racing ducks. With the adoption for 5 € per duck you will receive a raffle ticket with the start number and a duck as a souvenir. A duck with your race number will be launched for you by the organizer on race day. The start is at the Nepomuk bridge, the finish is again the Ems stage. The fastest ducks will give their adopters interesting and valuable prizes. This year the ducks are designed in different variations as hotel bellboys and gas station attendants. An absolute novelty is that, in addition to the well-known plastic ducks, sustainable wooden ducks from the PolarStern workshop can now be purchased. These are CE-certified and even approved as children’s toys. Johanna Eilting, Niklas Schauerte and Andreas Wewel presented the current range to Mayor Dr. Peter Lüttmann. ” For me, the event already has cult status, which is why I’m happy to be patron again this year,” the mayor said, and didn’t miss the opportunity to purchase some ducks directly.All proceeds from the event are donated to various aid organizations and projects. The success speaks for itself. While 3,500 ducks could already be sold last year, the ambitious goal is to crack the 4,000 mark this year. “A big thanks is due to Rheine.Tourismus.Veranstaltungen e. V. as co-organizers as well as the fire department, the DLRG and the canoe club Rheine for their great support,” emphasizes Johanna Eilting . For more information, especially on the numerous advance ticket sales and the awards ceremony, interested parties can visit the homepage of the organizers (Round Table and Ladies’ Circle) at