On today’s stage of the cyclists of the partnership association there was a lot of culture to see.

Marienburg Castle is ahistoricistcastle complex built by KingGeorge V of Hanover from 1858 to 1869 as asummer residence,hunting lodge and laterwidow‘s residence on theMarienberg inPattensen(Hanover region). It was a gift to his wife, QueenMarie, for her 39th birthday on April 14, 1857. Queen Marie and her daughter Mary inhabited the castle from 1866 to 1869. After their departure into exile, the castle was occupied for almost 80 years only by the janitor and, from 1945, temporarily by refugees and by the family ofErnst August (III).
The castle stands on theMarienberg southwest ofSchulenburg, a district ofPattensen. South of the Marienberg is the municipality ofNordstemmen, which belongs to thedistrict of Hildesheim. The castle forms anensemble together with therailroad station of Nordstemmen, which was developed as a royal station for the castle. Marienburg Castle is marketed for tourism by the company EAC GmbH and the association Sieben Schlösser im Leine- und Weserbergland.
Marienburg Castle had been privately owned byErnst August von Hannover junior since 2004. In 2018, plans to sell it to thepublic sector became known due to the need for renovation in the amount of 27 million euros. In 2020, Ernst August von Hannover transferred the castle, including its inventory, to theMarienburg Castle Foundation, which plans to ensure its restoration by 2030. (Wikipedia)

Further on to Hildesheim

Hildesheim Cathedral, also called Hoher Dom zu Hildesheim or Mariendom zu Hildesheim (official name Hohe DomkircheSt. Mariä Himmelfahrt), is thecathedral of the Roman Catholicdiocese of Hildesheim inHildesheim. It is one of the most importantpre-Romanesque buildings in Lower Saxony and is one of the oldest Episcopal churches in Germany.
The first cathedral building on this site was erected in 872 on the so-called Domhügel. The buildings and art treasures have been part of theUNESCOWorld Heritage Site since 1985, together with St. Michael’s Church, under the designationCathedral and St. Michael’s Church in Hildesheim. The building with its mighty west building and the crossing tower is characterized by predominantlyRomanesque andGothic components. (wikipedia)