
Graffiti art on the subject of violence

Die Schülerinnen und Schüler näherten sich künstlerisch dem Thema Gewalt. Zu sehen sind die Graffiti-Kunstwerke in der Stadtbibliothek.

Exhibition in the city library

RheineOn Saturday, November 25, 2023, the international day of remembrance and action “No to violence against women and girls” will take place. In this context, pupils from the Euregio Comprehensive School studied the topic of violence as part of the compulsory elective course “MitMenschen”. The pupils also learned about the work of the city’s equal opportunities officer at Rheine, Gaby Beckmann. This gave rise to the idea of creating graffiti on this topic as part of the “No to violence against women and girls” day of remembrance and action.

Jana Bida (employee of the local specialist counselling centre against sexualized violence at Diakonie WesT e. V.) was recruited to prepare the content of the graffiti campaign. The young people in grades 9 and 10 learned about the different faces violence can take. This was also highlighted against the background of migration. At the same time, they also learned how to defend themselves against violence and what help is available for those affected.

A few days later, under the guidance of the professional sprayer team “Bunt mit uns” from Greven, the pupils created graffiti canvases in the branch of the city’s youth art school Rheine (Meisenstraße 30, Rheine), which deal artistically with this topic. Provided with explanations and thoughts on the respective picture, these can now be viewed in the city library Rheine, Osnabrücker Straße 84. Later, the pictures will be on display at the Euregio Comprehensive School.

The success of the project was made possible by the excellent cooperation between the teachers of the elective course at the Euregio Comprehensive School, the school’s pastoral care service, which accompanies the course, the city’s youth art school Rheine, the specialist advice center against sexualized violence, the sprayer team, the city’s equal opportunities officer Rheine and the pupils.

The project was funded by the city’s youth art school Rheine, (jugendkunstschulen kulturpädagogische dienste), LKJ (Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendarbeit NRW e. V.) and the Ministry for Children, Youth, Family, Equality, Refugees and Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.