

Gemeinsam präsentieren die Mitglieder des Arbeitskreises Gedenken und Erinnern den ganz neu herausgebrachten Flyer, in dem die aktuellen Veranstaltung für Herbst/ Winter 2023/2024 vorgestellt werden.

RheineFor many years, events have been held in Rheine to commemorate the National Socialist tyranny and its victims. Various initiatives, organizations and individuals working together in the working group “Remembrance and Remembering”, supervised by the press office of the city Rheine, have again prepared a number of very different events for this fall and winter, which should help not to forget the crimes of the National Socialist past and its victims.

All these events are advertised together in a flyer. To present the flyer and the individual events, all participants now met and presented their projects. Mayor Dr. Lüttmann thanked the actors for their commitment and made it clear that Rheine has a very intensive culture of remembrance and that this cannot be taken for granted in a city of this size. The events are free of charge and all interested parties are cordially invited to attend. For more information, visit