
Edith Stein School conversion and extension inaugurated

Von links nach rechts: Architekt Ulrich Borowski, Schulleiter Frank Krehe, Bürgermeister Dr. Peter Lüttmann und Heike Nentwig (NRW-Bank)

Rheine. The renovation and extension of the Edith Stein School was inaugurated on 05.04.2022. As part of the primary school offensive, the school received a new part of the building with classrooms, differentiation rooms, a multi-purpose room and a library. In addition, the renovation created a new teacher and administration area.

The school was fundamentally renovated, expanded and equipped for the future with media technology using funds from the “Gute Schule 2020” state and federal subsidy programs and the city of Rheine’s own funds totaling 1.672 million euros. A total of 2.4 million euros was invested.

“Our elementary school offensive makes the Edith Stein School a modern, state-of-the-art place of education and now also has a very appealing school library,” said Mayor Peter Lüttmann.

The ceremony was accompanied with music and dance by the JeKits of the Edith-Stein-Schule in cooperation with the VHS Rheine and the school choir.

Photo: City of Rheine