
City Rheine invests in the mobility of children and young people

Foto (v.l.n.r.): Raimund Gausmann, Beigeordneter, Wiebke Gehrke, Fachbereichsleiterin, Elke Angerhausen und Sandra Jürriens, Schulverwaltung,

Rheine. The 2023/24 school year is in the starting blocks and will bring positive changes in terms of student mobility: “All students who are entitled to a student travel allowance will receive a Deutschlandticket in the coming school year,” announces Alderman Raimund Gausmann. This will enable them to use all local public transport in Germany in addition to their journeys to school. The ticket will be delivered directly to the schools in the 33rd calendar week and distributed to the affected students. There will be a control-free grace period until Aug. 21, 2023, during which students can use local transportation to get to and from school without a ticket.

In the future, all students who have not yet received a ticket will have the opportunity to purchase a so-called Schokoticket. A Schokoticket is a regular Germany ticket that can be purchased at cost price of 29.00 euros. “We want to enable students to be environmentally friendly and sustainably mobile,” explains Wiebke Gehrke, head of the department of schools, social affairs, migration and integration. Presumably to 01.10.2023 in Rheine the possibility will exist to acquire the so-called Schokoticket.

The city Rheine invests thus the saving of approximately 200,000 €, which is obtained from the use of the Germany ticket for pupils, who have claims to a pupil fare reimbursement. “A strong indication for a child and youth-friendly city Rheine”, summarizes alderman Raimund Gausmann.

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