
Bratwurst vouchers for the Kremer House

Foto (Stadtpressestelle Rheine) v.l.n.r.: Dominik Lemmli (Betreiber), Anna Kaleschke (Sozialarbeiterin im Kremer-Haus), Jörg Jäger (PV Soziale Einrichtungen), Patrick Majitzki (Betreiber) und Martin Planter (Mitarbeiter Bratwurststand) freuen sich über die gelungene Aktion.

Rheine. The operators of the mobile bratwurst stand from Rheine presented a total of 130 bratwurst vouchers to the professionals at Kremer House last week.

Dominik Lemmli and his brother Patrick Majitzki have been running the bratwurst stand, which is very popular with Rheiner citizens, for many years. Some time ago, they came up with the idea that when customers buy a bratwurst, they can also deposit the amount for another or more bratwursts. The two have converted these amounts into vouchers, which they distribute to various social institutions in Rheine. Since the vouchers are also available for regular purchase, no one is immediately stigmatized as needy when redeeming them. This is an all-round successful campaign that has been very well received by customers. The successful spread of this great idea is largely via the social network Facebook.

The residents of Kremer House, a municipal emergency shelter for homeless people, can look forward to enjoying the bratwursts over the next few days. This warm meal helps the needy people a lot and does not leave them out at the bratwurst stand.

Jörg hunter, product responsible person social mechanisms with the city Rheine, thanked cordially in the name of the city with the operators for this mad donation action. An equally big thank you goes to the many customers who helped make this campaign such a success with their numerous donations.