
Action program “Catching up to Corona

Theater project in Centro S. Antonio

Rheine. cpr. Due to the positive feedback regarding the implementation of the two theater projects during the Easter vacations, another theater project took place at Centro S. Antonio with the students of Ludgerusgrundschule. Full of anticipation, the theater teachers Martina Robin and Conny Leonhardt were pestered by the children with questions: “What are we doing for a play?” “Can I play a boss?” “Can we do really crazy things?” “What’s for dinner?”

Afterwards, the project group got into an intense, creative process, which was accompanied by a wide variety of music, from classical to pop to rock, and always accompanied by lots of laughter. This time the play gets a special stage, because the children will perform their self-prepared play at the Festival of Cultures on August 13 in Centro S. Antonio. But “culture”, what does it actually mean? The topic of culture was dealt with in a playful way. One student described, “It doesn’t matter where you come from or what language you speak or what you look like. A person is a person!” (Mirkhan). The ideas collected were packaged into a play using theater pedagogical methods, where music, dance, internationality and above all community are lived, celebrated and loved. Interested parties are cordially invited to the Festival of Cultures on August 13 at Centro S. Antonio, Ludwigstraße 9 in 48429 Rheine. For more information on the theater projects of the Centro S. Antonio, please contact Natalie Holthaus of the Migration and Integration Service by e-mail at