
Where are Rheines heat islands?

Participation via interactive city map

RheineHeat islands are a major challenge, especially in the summer months. With the “Cool City Map”, the city of Rheine wants to listen to the voices of the population and jointly develop solutions to combat heat stress.

An interactive map enables citizens to participate in shaping the city themselves. The focus is on identifying heat islands, creating cool places and making suggestions for drinking water points. With the help of an interactive city map, citizens can contribute their ideas and experiences from the comfort of their own homes.

The “Cool City Map” is available from now until the end of September. Citizens are invited to mark hotspots for heat islands and suggest places that could serve as shady retreats. They can also enter locations for possible drinking water points to improve the water supply in hot summer months.

“The interactive city map offers a user-friendly platform to collect ideas and record the needs of residents. Together, we can make our city a better place to live and reduce the effects of climate change,” explains Climate Protection Manager Nena Sohr.

Taking part in the process is easy: citizens can access the interactive city map via the city’s website. There they have the opportunity to enter their reports and suggestions directly and comment on existing entries. The city administration encourages everyone to actively participate and contribute their ideas. The results of the online participation process will be evaluated and incorporated into the measures of the climate impact adaptation concept currently being developed.

The link to the “Cool City Map” can be found at