
Visit from Borne at “Sport in the Park”

The guests from Borne were delighted with their visit to Salinenpark. Clemens Schöpker welcomed the Dutch guests from the partner committee Borne Rheine and Borne Sport in glorious summer weather. Frank Schmitz, board member of the city sports association, began by explaining the successful summer concept in Salinenpark together with Andrea Stienemann from the “Sport in the Park” organizing team. “We don’t have anything comparable in Borne, but we definitely want to introduce it here,” confirmed Gemma Tenniglo, Head of Borne Sport.

The declared aim of this meeting between Borne and Rheine was to explore new opportunities to intensify sporting exchanges between the neighboring twin towns. The partners from Borne and Rheine discussed various possibilities for this during the subsequent joint evening snack at the Delsen. It was agreed that Borne Sport and the city sports association would act as direct coordinating bodies for future meetings in the field of sport. “After this evening, we are looking forward to the intensity of the German-Dutch encounters ahead of us with high expectations and a great deal of optimism,” said Clemens Schöpker, summing up the evening with the approval of all participants.