Focus19 April 2022
This Friday is the King’s Games in sports complex ‘t Wooldrik. Nearly two thousand elementary school pupils from Borne, Hertme and Zenderen will take part in the sporting event that, after the coronation of the past two years, has been organized again this year as usual. The day is all about moving together.
Kings DanceThe theme of this year’s games is ‘Feel fit’. At 09.30 the students of group 1 to 4 will dance outside on the parking lot in front of ‘t Wooldrik to the King’s song.Sports activitiesThe children from groups 1 to 6 will play games where fun and cooperation are key. Groups 7 and 8 will have an athletics day and children from Ukraine residing in Borne are invited to participate in the King’s Games. So they can also enjoy a fun and sporty day.
The program was created in cooperation with elementary school, BVV Borne, BZSV de Blauwwitters, RKSV NEO, Kids City and Borne Sport. Students from the ROC of Twente, Twickel Borne and Delden help with the different parts of the program. Borne Werkt helps with the construction and deconstruction of the event.
King’s GamesThe King’s Games is a sporty Orange festival for all children in primary education in the Netherlands and the Caribbean. In 2013, the King’s Games were organized for the first time in connection with the inauguration of the King.
The public is welcome.