
Successful foot traffic check in Gellendorf/Eschendorf South

Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des Fußverkehrs-Checks in Gellendorf/Eschendorf Süd hatten einige Verbesserungsvorschläge.

Rheine. A positive conclusion can be drawn for the Pedestrian Check 2023 in the district of Gellendorf/Eschendorf Süd, which was prepared and carried out by FB 5.30 Mobility and Traffic Planning on Monday, May 8, 2023.

In the course of the preparation of the event, a walking route was worked out with the participation of various institutions and citizens and a coordination of dates was carried out. Participants in the pedestrian traffic check included the school authority, parents’ representatives, the senior citizens’ advisory council, the school board and the advisory council for people with disabilities, as well as citizens. The inspection began and ended at the daycare center “Unterm Limonadenbaum”. Approximately 15 people attended the FVC, who participated actively in the discussions and gave the representatives of road planning and road maintenance present numerous tips for improvements.

Overall, the footpath situation in the area walked was considered good by the participants. Most of the suggestions for improvements concerned the fields of action: Crossings, Traffic Safety on School Paths, Sidewalk Width, and Obstructions to Visibility due to Hedges or Parked Vehicles. The main points of criticism raised by participants related to the high proportion of motor vehicles and excessive speeds on Aloysiusstraße and Esperlohstraße. The situation is urgent in view of the school route function of both streets and, in the opinion of the participants, in great need of improvement. The situation at the intersection of Elter Straße and Scharnhorststraße was also strongly criticized.

In view of the upcoming construction of a traffic circle at Elter Straße as well as the planned reconstruction of Aloysiusstraße and the redesignation of Esperlohstraße as a bicycle lane, significant improvements of the traffic infrastructure, especially for bicycle and pedestrian traffic, can be expected in the near future. The aforementioned suggestions of the FVC will be documented, prioritized and forwarded to the AK Radverkehr/Nahmobilität for consultation.

The implementation of the pedestrian traffic checks will be continued. The next event will take place in the fall of 2023 in Rodde / Kanalhafen.