Rheine. For the 7th time now, works of art by pupils from Rheine will be exhibited in the Emsgalerie in cooperation with Stadtkultur Rheine. Preparations began last fall, when the theme “In the river – water as inspiration in art” was decided on with the partners from Bentlage Monastery and the municipal museums as well as the participating art teachers – unaware that the Christmas floods would once again bring the project to the fore.

Six schools are taking part this year: the vocational college Rheine, the Emslandgymnasium, the Josef-Pieper-Schule, the Nelson-Mandela-Schule, the Kopernikus-Gymnasium and the Arnold-Janssen-Gymnasium. The pupils received additional creative input through workshop visits by two artists: In the work of Barbara Schmitz-Becker (whose works will incidentally be on display at Bentlage Monastery from the end of August) and Ute Seiffert, water plays a major role both as an artistic medium and as a theme. They gave the pupils interesting and inspiring insights into their respective artistic work. The municipal museums, in turn, brought in the thematically extremely fitting exhibitions “In the Swimming Pool” and “Views of the Ems” and were able to vividly present the topic to the participating school classes during guided tours and educational activities.
The result was another remarkable exhibition with very different artistic approaches and forms of expression, which was staged by the Emsgalerie with great attention to detail and appropriate effort. The exhibition was opened last Wednesday at 12 noon by Rheines Mayor Dr. Peter Lüttmann. During the tour of the exhibition, the pupils involved also had their say, presenting their work and how it was created. The works will be on display in the Emsgalerie daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. until August 10.