
Kick-off MONO Minecraft workshop for young people in Borne

Councilman David Vermorken opened the MONO Minecraft workshop for youth ages 12-15 on Friday, February 3. This innovative traffic game teaches kids through play why they should keep their cell phones in their pockets while riding their bikes. More than 80 second-graders at Twickel College in Borne got a chance to see for themselves. And as one of the students aptly put it, “If you have to learn something, please learn it this way!” MONO driving is all about being on the road without distractions. Without the distraction of the cell phone with all its apps, social media and music. Distraction on the road is dangerous. Some people are aware of this and drive MONO. But there is also a group of people, including many teenagers, who use cell phones while cycling. Despite the dangers and the risk of a fine of 140 euros. So more needs to be done to teach them to keep their cell phones in their pockets when they are out and about.

Playful learning is effective But how do you teach young people about the dangers of using their phones on the road and what they can do to get home safely? Albertine Duiven, Road Safety and Behavior Advisor for the Province of Overijssel: “We don’t want a pedantic message, that’s often counterproductive .Minecraft is a popular game among young people. By putting our message in this game, they deal with this issue in an accessible way. We’re also using Vincent Dik, awell-knownGaming Influencer, to bring this workshop and MONO message to young people.”

Official launch of the game by Councilman VermorkenThegame has been tested extensively over the past few months. On Friday, February 3, the workshop was officially launched at Twickel College in Borne. Councillor David Vermorken (whose portfolio includes mobility) pressed the button to start the game: “Currently, the city administration is busy working out a mobility vision. A good and safe infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians is one of the main topics in it. I am therefore very glad that actions like this are being organized. In addition to a safe bike lane network, it’s also important that every student is aware of his or her role in traffic and gets home safely.”

TheGameStimulates Conversations In the game, young people ride from home to school. On the way there, they have to answer questions that allow them to earn points. They also receive messages on their cell phones. Do they act on them? If so, this immediately affects the course of the game. After all, they’re not driving MONO. After the game, the students discuss with each other. What did you learn and how can you teach yourself to put your cell phone away when you are on the road?

Workshop at schools in Gelderland and Overijssel Teaching young people the right behavior at this age reduces the likelihood that they will continue to use their cell phones in traffic later in life. Next year, this MONO Minecraft workshop will therefore be offered in the lower grades of several secondary schools in Gelderland and Overijssel. Interested? Register your school via Province of Gelderland and Overijssel The regional MONO campaign is an initiative of the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel and is carried out by a partnership of Responsible Young Drivers (RYD), Keijzer Marketing, Communication & Management and traffic engineering agency XTNT. The goal? To spread the MONO message of being undisturbed on the road without a cell phone to everyone in Gelderland and Overijssel. For more information about the regional MONO campaign, visit