
Fruitful cultural cooperation

Beim Besuch in der Partnerstadt vor dem Borner Rathaus (v.r.): Gerrit Musekamp, Arthur Lammers (Gemeinde Borne), Jan-Christoph Tonigs, Pieter Dykstra (Partnercomitee Borne) sowie Irja Erben und Reiner Wellmann (Vorstand Städtepartnerschaftsverein Rheine).

Borne/Rheine. The town twinning association Rheine has now organized a visit to the twin town of Borne and talks with local cultural representatives for the head of the municipal cultural department, Jan-Christoph Tonigs. In the Dutch twin town, the program included getting to know the historic buildings and the new head of department Arthur Lammers, who has also been responsible for the cultural sector as “Wethouder” at the head of the municipal administration for a few weeks now.After being welcomed by Piet Dijkstra from the partner committee Borne-Rheine in the Kulturhus, the group took a short walk through the old Borne together. The group visited the synagogue in Born, where Gerrit Musekamp from Kunstkreis Spektrum 88 is holding an exhibition of his works this month. After a visit to the Bussemakerhuis textile museum, the group went to the town hall. There we had a meeting with the new head of department, Arthur Lammers, who is also responsible for culture. This meeting was particularly important to get to know each other and to emphasize the close contacts between the twin towns. Not only in the field of culture, but in many areas.In Borne, the cultural sector was also given a new impetus with a new cultural memorandum. This provides a rough overview of the initiatives for the coming years. The focus is on cultural participation and education, cultural heritage and history, art and creativity, cultural events and festivals, cultural infrastructure in Born and regionalization. Regionalization, cultural participation and education are important topics for our committee. Tonigs said that the same policy is being pursued in Rheine. Conclusion from the point of view of all participants: there really are many opportunities for fruitful cooperation between Rheine and Borne.