
Framework plan city center 2.0

Citizen participation on September 25

RheineWhat should our city center look like in the future? This central question has been addressed not only by city planners and external planning offices for many years, but also by citizens who are always actively involved and have a wide range of opinions and views to contribute.

To ensure that this remains the case, the second phase of citizen participation in the update of the Downtown Framework Plan is now starting. On September 25, 2023, from 2 to 7 p.m., all interested parties are cordially invited to visit the Future Market Downtown at Borneplatz.

Representatives of the city Rheine as well as the planning office hartlockstädtebau invite to this open event and would like to involve the passing people in the idea and planning process. “Simply come by and participate,” Tessa Schupp, responsible city planner of the city Rheine advertises this afternoon of action. “Because we would like to collect many ideas, interests, opinions and suggestions for the intended projects and measures and achieve that as many people as possible of different ages and with their different interests and wishes participate in the future development of our city Rheine,” Schupp continues.

Prior knowledge is not necessary. Rather the opinions of all are important – whether large and small, pupil or student, pensioner or working one, Rheinenser or visitor. The more ideas and wishes are received, the better the projects can be planned and implemented according to people’s wishes. So that everyone can get a picture of the localities and the projects, the previous ideas and plans are hung up on large construction fences. Those who want to and have time can join in the discussions at long tables or get actively involved. Those with limited time can simply fill out a postcard with their idea and drop it off at Borne. For those who cannot be directly on site, online participation will also start again on September 25, and can be found at If you have any further questions, please contact Tessa Schupp – Department of Planning and Building – Tel. 05971 939 414 – e-mail: .