
Donation for the Rheinefood bank

Commitment and dedication of Grüterschule pupils

Rheine.cpr. With great commitment and dedication, the pupils of Grüterschule have collected 300 euros for the Rheiner Tafel over the past few months. The impressive sum was handed over to the food bank during the student council meeting. The pupils organized various activities on “Social Day”: They helped out in the neighborhood, for example mowing the lawn, washing cars or helping senior citizens with their shopping. The pupils received donations for these activities, which will now be donated to the Rheiner Tafel. Everyone was visibly delighted when the donations were handed over. “We are very proud of our pupils’ achievement,” said head teacher Sabine Schillack. “It’s great to see that the children and young people are so committed to helping others.” The food bank was also grateful for the generous donation. “The money will help us to continue supporting people in need,” said Andrea Lambers. “We are very impressed by the helpfulness of the pupils at Grüterschule.” This donation is a valuable contribution to the work of the food bank and helps to give people in need a little hope.