
Arrive in Rheine

Mutter Elena und Sohn Maksim freuen sich über das Informationsgespräch mit Johanna Miltrup, Sozialarbeiterin des Teams Beratung und Begleitung von Zuwanderern der Stadt Rheine und die Willkommensmappe in mazedonischer Sprache.

Rheine. For many years, new immigrants with a migration background have received an informative welcome brochure with initial information about important contact points in Rheine. Topics that deal with everyday life and make it easier for them to find their way around. How can I learn German quickly, where and how do I get a daycare/school place for my children or which means of transport can I use are just a few of the questions explained in this clear brochure from the team advising and supporting immigrants.

The folder is handed over during a personal visit and usually results in an initial conversation in which a lot of information is already requested – often with translation assistance via smartphone. This was the case, for example, with the Kjurchiski family, who moved to Rheine in December 2023 and feel very much at home here. Appointments are then made at the relevant district office of the city Rheine for any further advice and assistance. As the welcome folder and the home visits have proved so successful, the brochure is being translated into more and more languages. So far, the folder is available in Romanian, Bulgarian, Arabic, Ukrainian and Macedonian. It is aimed at new immigrants who do not yet speak German and for whom integration should be made easier.