
On November 20, the world shines in blue

Light workshop for children and young people – Children’s Rights Day 2024

RheineOn Wednesday, 20.11. 2024, it will be blue in Rheines city center, because that’s when the International Children’s Rights Day takes place. A day on which the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted 35 years ago. On this day, buildings and landmarks around the world will be illuminated in blue to draw attention to the importance of children’s rights.

In Rheine, a light workshop for children and young people takes place on this day from 16:00 to 19:00. There they will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of lighting design and learn the basics of lighting technology. You can get creative yourself and try out different lighting moods to set the scene for the Old Town Hall together. There is also a mobile sound studio where the UN children’s rights can be set to music and integrated into the “Talking Door Frames” installation on Borne.

The workshop is suitable for all children and young people aged 9 to 16. The workshop will be led by Light, Art & Sound. If you would like to take part in the workshop, please contact Emely Hermes on 05971 939 246 or register using the QR code.

All other interested parties are of course also welcome to view the light installation on the Bornesquare from 19:00 to 21:30. Photos: Frederic Schröder from Light, Art & Sound